
Assessment News & Product Updates

Topical articles, insights, and new product showcases for June 2023.

Creative Organizational Design offers thousands of solutions for assessing a vast array of skills, aptitudes and personality traits for all kinds of applications. We have over 40 years of experience and expertise in assessments. Whether you're hiring, promoting, coaching, or developing individuals or teams, we have the solutions that you're looking for.

Summer Sale!


From June 1 until June 30 2023 all orders will receive an

automatic 15% discount.

Now's the time to capitalize upon the savings and stock up on solutions!

New Article

Stop Thief! The High Cost of Workplace Dishonesty.

According to a new study of lying behaviour, about three-quarters of people are consistently honest. By contrast, a small subset of people (about 6 percent) are very dishonest. So although, most people really are honest, approximately 25% of people are generally or very dishonest.

Therefore, there are approximately 20 to 83 million moderately or very dishonest people in the USA alone. The big question is, do these findings correlate with being dishonest in general? Unfortunately, the answer is probably yes.

Dishonesty and unethical people hurt your business and its reputation, and we’re not talking only about liars and thieves either. Ethics, the moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour, are requirements for success in life and in the workplace. People who don’t have them are going to be a problem, and often an expensive one. Thus, ensuring that you don’t hire such people is critical.

Solutions to Your Problems

Do We Have Workplace Safety Tests?

Boy! Do We Ever!

Is workplace safety mission critical in your organization? Are your employees risk averse and do they always follow the safety protocols? Do you know if your applicants are appropriately safety conscious? If you need to ensure that people will follow the rules and adhere to established safety procedures use tests to find out. Have a look at our range of tests which include:

Product Showcase

Kenexa Skills Assessments

Creative Organizational Design is pleased to announce that we have added
over ONE THOUSAND new assessments to our catalogue!

The IBM Kenexa Skills Assessments include a wide range of tests for software, office/professional, call center, financial, healthcare, industrial, legal and technical job classifications.

They are designed to test a candidate’s skills or personality. These tests can be used to analyze a candidate’s practical knowledge of something such as Microsoft Word or to examine personality traits.

They also include 6 specific Job Fit assessments for:
  • Job Fit Call Center
  • Job Fit Sales
  • Job Fit Bank Teller
  • Job Fit Hospitality Associate
  • Job Fit Industrial-Warehouse Worker
  • Job Fit Retail Associate
See the 100s of Kenexa assessment options available via the links below:

Call Center
Information Technology

Demos are available on-demand.

We're adding tests all the time.

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We Are Your One-Stop Shop For Assessment Solutions

Creative Organizational Design has helped organizations screen, promote and
develop employees throughout North America and beyond since 1979.
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