The assessments below represent a curated list of our offerings that are well suited to individuals who wish to explore their career options. The reports are offered as-is, and without additional interpretation/advice from Creative Organizational Design. The information that’s generated may be useful to incorporate into any 3rd-part counselling initiatives that purchasers may be engaged in.
Adolescent Personal Style Inventory
The Adolescent Personal Style Inventory is for students/counselors, to help measure personal growth/personality and suggest career paths.
Ashland Interest Assessment
The Ashland Interest Assessment is a career planning and counselling tool designed for individuals with barriers to employment due to educational, physical, emotional, cognitive, or psychiatric conditions. Ideal for career planning/counselling for those with special needs or very low reading levels.
Assessment of Transferrable Skills – Revised
The Assessment of Transferrable Skills - Revised evaluates specific competencies and skills that can transfer quite easily from school to the work world, and from one job to another.
Barriers to Employment Success Inventory
Use the Barriers to Employment Success Inventory to help you achieve a more effective job search and identify those hurdles and obstacles that stand in the way of your job success.
Barriers to Employment Success Inventory – 4th Edition
Use the Barriers to Employment Success Inventory to help you achieve a more effective job search and identify those hurdles and obstacles that stand in the way of your job success.
Career Advancement Profile – Revised
Career Advancement Profile - Assess an individual's preparedness for career advancement and measures initiative, confidence and adaptability skills.
Career Development Report for Individual Contributors
The Career Development Report for Individual Contributors helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for career development.
Career Development Report For Managers
The Career Development Report For Managers helps identify leadership style, strengths, weaknesses, find a new line of work and "sell" yourself.
Career Exploration Inventory – EZ 2nd Edition (CEI-Easy)
The Career Exploration Inventory guides job seekers in exploring and planning life, work and leisure activities and identify their major career interests.
Career Interest Profiler & Canadian Career Interest Profiler
Use the Career Interest Profiler & Canadian Career Interest Profiler to help clients identify and clarify their top career choices, and career options.
Career Motivation Profile
Use the Career Motivation Profile assesses employee work place motivation. Uncover what motivates people in order to create a thriving work environment.
Career Values Scale
The Career Values Scale measures work-related values for job satisfaction in individual career counselling and planning provides an individuals with information about what is important in their work or career.
Entrepreneur Potential Test
Use the Entrepreneur Potential Test to gain insights on whether you'd be a success at starting your own company and happy with this type of career path.
Entrepreneurial Aptitude Profile
The Entrepreneurial Aptitude Profile identifies whether a person has the characteristics that typically demonstrate entrepreneurial potential.
Entrepreneurial EDGE
Use the Entrepreneurial Edge™ to measure the competencies needed for entrepreneurial success and provides a robust understanding of those competencies that are imperative to ones success in any endeavor that can benefit from an entrepreneurial understanding or perspective.
Financial Literacy Inventory Test
Obtain a benchmark of your candidates' skills with the Financial Literacy Inventory that assesses a person's basic knowledge of money management.
Franchisee – New Business Owner Test
The Franchisee/New Business Owner Test is a self-assessment tool for those planning on becoming self-employed to help them gauge their likelihood of success and/or satisfaction, assessing factors like growing the business through dint of their own effort, including securing financing, marketing, and sales.
Franchisee Personality Profile
The Franchisee Personality Profile assesses a person’s personality and attitudes to fit the ideal franchisee profile with versions for fast food, hotel and restaurant industries.
Jackson Career Explorer
The Jackson Career Explorer guides people toward satisfying and fulfilling careers and generates personalized career information.
Jackson Vocational Interest Survey
The Jackson Vocational Interest Survey is an education and career planning tool that provides a detailed snapshot of one's interests and how they relate to the world of study and work.
Job Search Attitude Inventory
Use the Job Search Attitude Inventory (5th Edition) to help individuals identify their attitudes about looking for a job and then give suggestions for becoming more active and self-directed in the job search.
Job Search Knowledge Scale
Use the Job Search Knowledge Scale (3rd Edition) to help determine how much an individual knows about looking for work and help people focus on key areas of the job search as needed.
Job Style Indicator
The Job Style Indicator helps measure the work style requirements of a specific job, role, or responsibility.
Life Skills Inventory
The Life Skills Inventory is a brief assessment that helps people identify their life skills proficiencies and deficiencies.
O*NET Career Interests Inventory
Use the O*Net Career Interest Inventory to help individuals uncover their top RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional) interest areas.
O*NET Career Values Inventory
Use the O*Net Career Values Inventory to help individuals match their work values to O*NET job titles. See the O*NET Career Interest Inventory as well.
Overcoming Barriers to Employment Success
The Overcoming Barriers to Employment Success Book helps clients identify a lack of career guidance, a disorganized resume, a prior conviction, family responsibilities, low self-esteem, a drug addiction.
Personal Style Assessment II Test + Career Development Report
Use the Personal Style Assessment II Test + Career Development Report to screen applicants for someone who is moral and has a strong work ethic, is easy to get along with, assertive, enjoys teamwork and is a team player.
Picture Interest Career Survey
The Picture Interest Career Survey is a quick way for people to identify occupational interests by using pictures of people at work rather than text-based items.
RIASEC Inventory
Use the RIASEC Inventory to help people identify their most dominant work interests and then use this information to explore career options.
Transferable Skills Scale Inventory
Use the Transferable Skills Scale Inventory to help identify an individual's strongest transferable skills across 96 task areas.
Transition-to-Work Inventory
Use the Transition-to-Work Inventory to help individuals with little or no work experience can identify their job options and make their career transitions more effective and rewarding.
Vocational Style & Personality Assessment
The Vocational Style & Personality Assessment – Revised is designed to assess a person’s interests, values, and preferences surrounding his or her career.
Vocational Style & Personality Assessment – For Students
The Vocational Style & Personality Assessment – For Students is designed to assess a student's interests, values, and preferences surrounding his or her career.
Work Personality Index-II
Use the Work Personality Index II © to obtain a valid and dependable measure of personality traits that directly influence a person's work performance and task effectiveness.
Work Readiness Inventory
Use the Work Readiness Inventory to help workers recognize and address the demands of the workplace by identifying their readiness concerns or areas of weakness.
Workplace Excellence Inventory
Helps individuals identify the basic skills and strategies needed to successfully transition to the workplace and demonstrate excellence in their job performance and assesses: Critical-thinking, Work ethic, Career management, Soft skills, Leadership, Teamwork
Workplace Personality Inventory II
Use the Workplace Personality Inventory II to assess work-related personality traits, shown to be important to job success in a wide range of occupations.