Use the Career Intake & Counselling Scale to identify urgent career development needs and deficiencies that prevent people from attaining employment success.
Career Personality Inventory
Use the Career Personality Inventory to match client’s personality types to their career and work preferences to help guide career searches.
Career Planning Scale (CPS)
The Career Planning Scale helps individuals to develop short- and long-term career plans and evaluate their progress in the career development and decision-making process.
Career Priorities Profile 3rd Ed.
The Career Priorities Profile is a structured method for career exploration that empowers individuals to identify priorities and evaluate their career or job choices based on them.
Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI)
The Career Thoughts Inventory helps improve the effectiveness of career counseling and guidance and identify the nature of an individual’s career problems.
Cascades Survival Situation
The Cascades Survival Situation helps teams to test their communications, interpersonal relations, and group problem-solving skills in a safe environment.
Cellular Technician
Use the Cellular Technician to assess applicants for the skills needed for cellular technician roles such as Schematics, Power Supplies, Basic AC/DC Theory
Chemical Reading Test
Use the Chemical Reading Test to confirm the reading comprehension ability of passages related to chemicals at a 10.4 readability level for job applicants for many different roles in an organization.
College-to-Career Transition Inventory (C2C)
The College-to-Career Transition Inventory helps students pinpoint the false beliefs and potential gaps in knowledge and skills that might prevent them from finding a job or succeeding in their career. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see alternatives in our Education category section of this site.
Colour Blindness Test
The Colour Blindness Test will help to identify the ability of applicants or clients to correctly see and identify colours.