Therapy Assessments

Our range of Therapy Assessments are designed for use in a wide range of counselling and intervention scenarios by professional counsellors and therapists.

Raven’s™ Progressive Matrices

Use the Raven’s Progressive Matrices to measure non-verbal mental ability, identify individuals with advanced observation and thinking skills who can handle the complexity and ambiguity of the modern workplace.

Self-Esteem Assessment

The Self-Esteem Assessment – 2nd Revision evaluates an individual’s general level of self-esteem and assess whether their self-image could use improvement.

Emotional Eating Behavior Assessment

The Emotional Eating Behavior Assessment is designed to assess a person’s tendency to eat for reasons other than hunger. It will evaluate the underlying reasons for over-eating.

Canadian Adult Achievement Test

The Canadian Adult Achievement Test is an educator’s diagnostic tool to help assess and adult learner’s abilities before placing them into an on-going educational stream. We’re sorry, we no longer offer this test. For alternatives, please see our Education category.

School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory

The School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI) is a quick, cost-effective way to identify students who may have ineffective or poorly developed learning strategies, low levels of academic motivation, attention and concentration problems, difficulties with test-taking, or test anxiety.

Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire

Use The Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire to assess normal adults in counseling, research and business settings focusing on 16 different personality traits.

Brief Mental Health Evaluation Series

The Brief Mental Health Evaluation Series offers 4 separate tests that screen for a variety of mental health disorders and other issues that can impact well-being.

Burnout Symptom Screener

The two Burnout Symptom Screener tests will assess whether a non-service person is at risk of developing burnout, and whether a person working in the service industry is at risk of developing burnout.

NEO Five-Factor Inventory

Use the NEO Five-Factor Inventory to help you understand an individual’s basic emotional, interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal, and motivational styles.

Personality Research Form

The Personality Research Form measures 22 personality traits of normal functioning for use in employee selection, sports psychology, and in clinics.  NOTE: This is a B-Level Test.

Anger Management Questionnaire

The Anger Management Questionnaire assesses how a person deals with anger-inducing situations of various intensity and significance.

Coping Skills Assessment

The Coping Skills Assessment identifies how people cope with stress and what their predominant coping strategies are.

Parenting Style Profile

The Parenting Style Profile is designed to identify a person’s parenting style, based on the level of responsiveness and demandingness he or she provides.

Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI)

The Career Thoughts Inventory helps improve the effectiveness of career counseling and guidance and identify the nature of an individual’s career problems.

Anxiety Symptom Screener

The Anxiety Symptom Screener is designed to determine whether a person presently has or is at risk for developing an anxiety disorder.

Shipley Institute of Living Scale-2

Use the Shipley Institute of Living Scale-2 when you need to obtain quick ability estimates, screen for cognitive dysfunction, or qualify participants for research studies.

Work Readiness Profile

Use the Work Readiness Profile to assess individuals with disabilities and identify what people can do, rather than what they can not do. – We’re sorry.  This test has been discontinued.  Please see the Work Readiness Inventory as an alternative.

Kenexa Healthcare Tests

The Kenexa Healthcare Tests are designed to test a candidate’s skills or personality.  These tests can be used to analyze a candidate’s practical knowledge of something such as Microsoft Word or to examine personality traits.

Depression Symptom Screener – Revised

The Depression Symptom Screener is designed to determine whether a person presently has, or is at risk for developing, a depressive disorder.  It also evaluates whether his or her mindset makes him or her more prone to depression.

O’Connor Finger Dexterity Test

Use the O’Connor Finger Dexterity Test as an accurate and objective measurement of manual dexterity for rapid manipulation of small objects, as in assembly line work.

Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode

Use the Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode to learn how different conflict-handling modes or styles affect personal and group dynamics and for learning how to select the most appropriate style for a given situation. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued.  Please see alternatives in the CONFLICT RESOLUTION and TEAMWORK category sections of our site.

Personality Self-Portrait

The Personality Self-Portrait (PSP™) illustrates the wide range of normal personality styles that combine to create each individual’s unique personality profile, and demonstrates how each personality style influences relationships, work, and home life.