The Bushfire Survival Situation helps teams to test their communications, interpersonal relations, and group problem-solving skills in a safe environment.
Existing Employees
Career Development Report for Individual Contributors
The Career Development Report for Individual Contributors helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for career development.
Career Development Report For Managers
The Career Development Report For Managers helps identify leadership style, strengths, weaknesses, find a new line of work and “sell” yourself.
Career Values Scale
The Career Values Scale measures work-related values for job satisfaction in individual career counselling and planning provides an individuals with information about what is important in their work or career.
Cascades Survival Situation
The Cascades Survival Situation helps teams to test their communications, interpersonal relations, and group problem-solving skills in a safe environment.
Change Reaction
The Change Reaction identifies typical responses to organizational change and helps to better understand the three typical change reactions.
Change Style Indicator
Use the Change Style Indicator to assess an individual’s preferred style in approaching and addressing change.
Competency Behaviour Inventory 360º
Use the Competency Behaviour Inventory 360º tool to identify and develop leaders with excellence, problem solving and team skills across 15 competencies for a wide variety of roles.
Conflict Strategies Inventory
The Conflict Strategies Inventory helps individuals discover their preferred conflict strategies and learn how to deal effectively with conflict.
Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations
Use the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations to assess clients for coping skills focused on Distraction and Social Diversion. This is a B-Level Product available only to those with specific pre-qualifications.