Use the Basic Skills Test (BST®) to assess 15 skills including vocabulary, problem solving, language, reading, computation for identifying fundamental reasoning, numerical, perceptual abilities of applicants for clerical, administrative and customer service roles.
Online or Paper
Becoming A Customer Service Star
The Becoming A Customer Service Star helps individuals learn ways to improve their performance in five critical service areas.
Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test-II
The Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test identifies the ability to learn mechanical skills by assessing physical law, mechanical operation and spatial perception.
Boilermaker Test
Use the Boilermaker test to assess technical knowledge of boilers and maintenance, piping, welding, math and Burning, and Fabricating.
Can-Do Attitude Test
The Can-Do Attitude Test helps identify applicants with the right attitudes and who will go the extra mile with a smile, listen and are flexible.
Career Directions Inventory
The Career Directions Inventory facilitates educational and career exploration and counseling for high school, college, university students and adults.
Career Exploration Inventory – EZ 2nd Edition (CEI-Easy)
The Career Exploration Inventory guides job seekers in exploring and planning life, work and leisure activities and identify their major career interests.
Career Interest Profiler & Canadian Career Interest Profiler
Use the Career Interest Profiler & Canadian Career Interest Profiler to help clients identify and clarify their top career choices, and career options.
Career Values Scale
The Career Values Scale measures work-related values for job satisfaction in individual career counselling and planning provides an individuals with information about what is important in their work or career.
Carpenter Test
Use the Carpentry Test to assess applicants for advanced carpentry skills and abilities needed for framing, print reading, concrete work, finishing, etc.