
DISC Personality Profile

The DISC Personality Profile is an in-depth work personality profile based on 4 main factors.  Use it for Pre-employment, Personal development, Team building and Leadership development.

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Employee Engagement Survey

The Employee Engagement Survey helps obtain a snapshot of an employee’s current attitude toward their work, their job, and the organization. It offers management insight into the organizational “vibe” and brings to light job issues that they may not be aware of.

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Entrepreneurial EDGE

Use the Entrepreneurial Edge™ to measure the competencies needed for entrepreneurial success and provides a robust understanding of those competencies that are imperative to ones success in any endeavor that can benefit from an entrepreneurial understanding or perspective.

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Entry Level Sales Solution

The Entry Level Sales Solution is for entry-level positions in which employees proactively sell products or services to customers and have their compensation and/or performance based on sales revenue.

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Golden Personality Type Profiler™

Help your employees understand the basis for their decision-making, how they relate to other people, gain better insight into their personal style and how they impact others with the Golden Personality Type Profile.

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